Огранак САНУ у Нишу организује 31. Међународну конференцију о микроелектроници– МИЕЛ 2019 (31st nternational Conference on Microelectronics–MIEL2019), која ће бити одржана од 16. до 18. септембра на Универзитету у Нишу и на Електронском факултету у Нишу.
Регистрација учесника зак...
The University of Technology is happy to invite dear colleagues and students to participate in their VII International Scientific Conference «Future trends, organizational forms and effectiveness of cooperation development between Russian and foreign universities», that will be held on April 10-1...
Within the framework of the Week of Science, March 26-30, 2018, it is planned to hold international research-practical, research-methodological and students' research conferences in the Belgorod University of Cooperation, Economics and Law.
Articles should be submitt...